We had another interesting encounter today with a foreign species being found in the house. By foreign I mean not usually found in the home or kept as pets. For those of you who don't know, we've found all sorts of foreign species in our house since we moved in. Some we have been able to identify and some that still mystify. There's been squirrels in our toilets and mysterious animals scratching and shaking at the storage room doors in our closets. And around 3 o'clock today the following conversation occurs:
Craig -( enters my office) " There's a bat in the garage"
Me- ( working not really listening ) " For what, who left a bat in the garage?"
Craig- " No, Brittany, like a real bat that flys"
Me- " What do you mean" ( still not comprehending )
Craig- "Just come look"
It just didn't make sense to me that a bat would be in the garage. A) its daytime, they're nocturnal B) this is not a cave C) we have 2 large dogs to keep things like this away. But sure enough, there he was on the side of the wall. Not upside down from the ceiling ( like normal bats would do ) just
hanging laying out on the wall. The kids were totally freaked out and I have to admit I was too. All I could think was that surely he's diseased and rabid and not thinking clearly or else he wouldn't be here. Being that I obviously have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to bats I decided we'd leave him alone, leave the garage door open, and when it became dark he'd fly out on his own to go find food. So what does Craig do, he closes the garage. Fast forward a few hours. We're home from the gym, pulling into the garage and the first thing Craig does is look for the bat. After a few minutes we spot him trapped between the garage door track and the bend of the door. Panic ensues. Why you ask? Because Craig, the lover of all species, can't fathom the thought that he might actually do harm to one. He runs to cut all the lights on, then decides if he rolls the door down a little bit maybe it will fly free, doesn't work. Rolls the door back up, still stuck. More panic sets in. Pretty sure he said something along the lines of " Oh God, what are we going to do" " It's not like I did it on purpose" He runs,grabs a chair to get a closer look-(Presleigh's Tinkerbell chair-a whole 2ft tall.) No mind the ladder. This teeny tiny toddler chair should do. Mind you during this fiasco, Presleigh is still in the car screaming her head off because she didn't get a lollipop at the gym. Craig sternly asks me to take her inside, because he cannot concentrate under these circumstances. Done. So I come back out and spot blood running down the garage door track. Craig now kicks it into high gear. Standing on the baby chair, he begins to violently shake the garage door with his hands, lifting it up and down, causing to eventually come off the track. I'm standing outside when I hear " He's out!" "He's out and he's fine!" "I told you he wasn't going to die!" and sure enough out flys the bat, with a visible small hole in his right wing, but by george he was out and he was flying. Standing there with his arms crossed, watching the bat fly off into the sunset, Craig was pretty proud of his rescue. Just another save, Dr. Dolittle can add to his repertoire. We're talking about a man who once gave a newborn puppy mouth to mouth (true story) to save its life for God's sake. One who caught a bird with an injured wing, wrapped it in a garden glove and nursed it back to health with a little dish of water ,until it too, flew away. I'm guessing today's victory makes up for the 4 tropical fish he murdered last week after only having them for a mere 8hrs. Just kidding, honey. I know it was an accident!