On Thursday of last week Presleigh had her first field trip. Destination...Carlton Farms in good ol' Rockmart,Ga. I have not ventured out to Rockmart since I was a teenager and therefor had no idea where I was going or how long it was going to take to get there. I knew we had to be there at 9am sharp, so I was going to make sure I had it mapped out accordingly. Would have been a great plan had this place actually made the map. Now I was worried. I'm terrible w/ directions and terrible with being on time. I get turned around very easily and couldn't find my way out of a brown paper bag if I had to. However, I'm proud to say we made it on time ( Thanks Mom for the directions ) and didn't get lost once!
Of all the things on the farm, the first thing Presleigh spots is a kitten. She chased that poor kitten around the farm for a good 30 minutes, her and about 15 other kids. Poor cat, I'm sure he/she was hoping someone would chase him right on out into the street. This could have been the whole field trip and she'd been just fine with that.
We later lined up and headed over to the petting farm. There were baby chicks, little pigs, baby calf's, a couple donkeys, and some goats. We gather around in the barn as the "tour guide" tells us a little bit about the animals. I could not focus on a thing she was saying because A) It smelled incredibly bad and B) There was this one calf who kept stretching it's tongue out from the cage and licking the woman's pants in front of me-back to that in a minute. I didn't expect to be bothered by the smell after having two babies and all their funkiness, but this kind of smell should have came with a warning. I literally found myself gagging on several occasions and at one point even thought I might have to excuse myself before I threw up. If it wasn't for the calf who I thought for sure was going to eat through the Mom's pants in front of me, i would have. I was laughing and gagging at the same time. That calf was out of control and that Mom's poor pants were soaked YUCK! The little tour guide kept saying " Oh, they're doing that because they are still nursing and taking bottles, they're looking for a bottle" No, this calf was not looking for a bottle, it wanted something more than what it produces, it wanted something of some substance. No wonder they were so skinny, its STARVING! Although they stunk up to high heaven, they were really cute and we did get to see one take a bottle, which Presleigh thought was so cool. However, completely unfair to the other 6 who got NADA. After the little lesson, we walked through and fed the goats and donkey's and watched the little pigs live up to their names. Presleigh's favorite part about the petting farm was feeding the goats and watching the calf nuzzle the bottle when the milk would stop coming out. She'd just giggle and giggle- to her the only thing that drinks a bottle are babies.
Loads of hand sanitizer later, we lined up for the hayride. This was the mac daddy of all hay rides. It was a huge trailer that was covered, had a bench for parents right down the middle, stuffed with hay in each aisle, and wired for a PA system. We hopped on, parents on the inside, kids on the outside. As we rode along we got to hear all about the farm and its history.
Here are some fun facts:
-The farm had been around since 1914 and became a dairy farm in 1946
-They have 35 cows, who they milk 2x a day. Once at 430am and again at 430pm
-None of the cows are fed anything other than hay, grass, and minimal grain- truly organic. No antibiotics or hormones ( hence the skinnyness from my previous comment ) we have this idea that cows should be huge and fat, but really that's not the case.
-It is illegal in the state of GA to sell the milk they produce in grocery stores. Funny how that works. The healthiest of milk is illegal to sell. It has to be bottled and sold as pet milk on the farm.
-A baby calf weighs 85lbs at birth. Most cows only have 1 calf at a time and in 2 yrs that calf will be ready to reproduce.
-This farm had a cow 2 yrs ago who had triplets, seen once every 170k+ births
After getting schooled on the dairy farming business, the hayride came to a complete stop in the middle of the pasture. Why you ask, it was cow feedin' time. As soon as the tractor stopped the cows came running right up to the sides of the trailer, hence the hay in the floor on both aisles. I don't know if you've ever fed a large cow before, but if you have the chance, beware of the tongue. Holy Cow-creeped me out the first time it touched me! I can't even describe it. Take the texture of a cats tongue x20, add about 7inches to the length and to the thickness and that might do it justice. Presleigh loved it! She'd talk to them, pet them, feed them, the whole nine-she was not phased by the size of their big ol' heads or tongues. I on the other hand was a little nervous. I felt that at any second a cow was going to get aggressive over hay or there would be a stampede. As we finished up and rode away there was one black cow who chased us all the way to the gate. Come to find out, she was due to have her baby in about a week and was extra hungry. We hooked her up and threw her some extra hay under the table :)
Heavy hand washing was next and then we headed to have a snack-yummy huh?! After that was over we snapped some class pictures, sang a couple songs, and then headed to the play ground. There was a huge pipe slide that was a good 25ft off the ground that the kids absolutely loved. Presleigh would go down backwards, head first and on her tummy, yelling the whole way down. I had to bribe her with icecream just to get her to leave.
What a great day for us and what a great little place it was with a cool history behind it too. I don't know who had more fun, me or Presleigh. I actually learned quite a bit about dairy farming on this field trip too and now have a new found respect for those who do this kind of work daily. Outside of the stench that radiated throughout the farm, the hours are grueling-430am to milk a cow, no thank you! I'll take my 8-5 any day ( okay 8-4pm :)
A small town storyblog full of fiction and fairytales, horror and drama. An intense look into our attempts at parenthood and raising two little girls who dream of "princess crowns" and "beautiful gowns" All the while serving up a big dose of reality!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Snow White and Cinderella take on the FBK Harvest Festival...
This week The P's had their harvest festivals at school. They were able to dress in their Halloween costumes and play games all morning and win prizes. Lucky for me the prize was candy, lots and lots of candy. Of course as soon as they'd win a piece of candy they'd eat it. There was pin the tail on the donkey, cake walks, pumpkin toss, frog feeding, and spider seeking. As always FBK did a great job and the kiddos had a great time.
Presleigh aka Cinderella's "Wedding Dress" was first up for the festival. She loved getting all dressed up that morning and was not going to leave on accessory behind. The only thing she told me she did not need that morning was her "make-up" Thank Goodness! Because if I would have had to perfectly place one more thing on that princess, we wouldn't have made the festival that day. She made sure to play every game at least 3x allowing her to rack up on lots of candy. Anyone who knows my child, knows that nothing makes this girl happier than candy...well maybe lip gloss, but candy is definitely the front runner. She was in hog heaven toting that little bag around all day snacking away.
Paisley aka Snow White had her festival a little later in the week. After watching her sister get all dressed up and bring home lots and lots of goodies she was way excited to get in on the fun. Snow White woke up, put on her gown and was much easier to accessorize and get ready than Cinderella until...... it came down to the shoes. This child is a shoe freak, just like her momma. She loves shoes more than anything, so much so that when she gets a new pair she will sleep in them and there are at least 1-2 nights a week where she will go to bed in her "princess shoes" She had a red pair of shoes that she knew would be perfect for the occasion and as luck would have it, we could not find them anywhere! She was crying and I was running around like a mad woman searching for the shoes. By the grace of God I found them, in the backyard, in the playhouse. Close call. Paisley is much different in a sense that she played each game once and received a conservative amount of candy and then was ready to go. We still had a lot of time to kill, so we decided to walk over to a little bakery that opened up in town called The Sweet Life. We hung out on the patio and enjoyed some cookies and donuts in the crisp fall air.
Presleigh aka Cinderella's "Wedding Dress" was first up for the festival. She loved getting all dressed up that morning and was not going to leave on accessory behind. The only thing she told me she did not need that morning was her "make-up" Thank Goodness! Because if I would have had to perfectly place one more thing on that princess, we wouldn't have made the festival that day. She made sure to play every game at least 3x allowing her to rack up on lots of candy. Anyone who knows my child, knows that nothing makes this girl happier than candy...well maybe lip gloss, but candy is definitely the front runner. She was in hog heaven toting that little bag around all day snacking away.
Paisley aka Snow White had her festival a little later in the week. After watching her sister get all dressed up and bring home lots and lots of goodies she was way excited to get in on the fun. Snow White woke up, put on her gown and was much easier to accessorize and get ready than Cinderella until...... it came down to the shoes. This child is a shoe freak, just like her momma. She loves shoes more than anything, so much so that when she gets a new pair she will sleep in them and there are at least 1-2 nights a week where she will go to bed in her "princess shoes" She had a red pair of shoes that she knew would be perfect for the occasion and as luck would have it, we could not find them anywhere! She was crying and I was running around like a mad woman searching for the shoes. By the grace of God I found them, in the backyard, in the playhouse. Close call. Paisley is much different in a sense that she played each game once and received a conservative amount of candy and then was ready to go. We still had a lot of time to kill, so we decided to walk over to a little bakery that opened up in town called The Sweet Life. We hung out on the patio and enjoyed some cookies and donuts in the crisp fall air.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday Weekend Wrap Up...
Say that 3 times fast :) A couple of weekends have passed since my last blog update so there's plenty to catch up on.
A couple of weeks ago we sent the P's to MiMi's and headed to The Westbrook's Annual Halloween Party. As always it was a great time with some great friends. I don't think I will ever stop loving Halloween or dressing up for that matter, it's my favorite holiday. Craig and I dressed up as Bingo Benny and hisbimbo Caretaker Betty. She ain't one to be takin' care of nobody with all her nasty habits, but the hefty bingo winnings and the chance of nice gift left in the will are nice incentives :))
Is that not the creepiest mask?! We've had a blast with that thing! For example, I can recall several occassions where we've put the mask on when driving around, running errands and stuff just to get a good laugh from all the "WTH'ers" and "WTF'ers" passing by...still laughing. Ashamed to say, I've actually scared the girls a couple of good times as well-terrible, I know, but I just couldnt resist! It was so bad that the first few days the mask was actually in the house the girls would not walk into a room without asking if the "old man mask" was in there first.
The only downer to that weekend was SissyRoo getting "sickie poo's"! A trip to the pediatrician and some chest x-rays later we discovered she had a double ear infection and croup, thankfully it wasn't pneumonia as suspected. We spent the next week getting her on the mends, taking a break from the gym and getting some much needed chores done around the house.
This past weekend was a lot of fun! We made our annual family trip to Berry Patch Farms in Woodstock. We have been taking the girls here since before they could walk. We love this place -its so family oriented with lots of stuff for the kiddos to do. Their prices are a little hefty on the pumpkins, but for all the fun and extras you get, its worth it.
Here are some vintage pictures of the family at Berry Patch dating back to 2008, crazy to see how much they change year over year.
Sunday I took some alone time and went clothes shopping for the girls. It was so nice to be out and actually spend as much time needed in as many stores needed without rushing in and out while having two little one's begging for everything in sight. After that my Mom came to pick me up and we headed to Folklore Haunted House.A co-worker of hers is actually one of the owners of this haunted house and had invited the company to pay a visit. It had been years since I had been to a haunted house so I found myself getting a little anxiety waiting in line to go in-that accompanied w/ the creepy old man who would not stop staring me in the face, def didn't help matters. I let Mom go first and lead the line-I'm pretty sure she screamed at every corner we turned. I was too busy laughing at her to really be scared, her screams let you know there was obviously something pretty intense happening up ahead :) Thanks for the date Mom, I had a great time!
We've had a busy week this week so I have several blog post planned for the next few days. I figured putting myself on a schedule and pre-planning my blog posts would help me get them done in a more timely matter.
A couple of weeks ago we sent the P's to MiMi's and headed to The Westbrook's Annual Halloween Party. As always it was a great time with some great friends. I don't think I will ever stop loving Halloween or dressing up for that matter, it's my favorite holiday. Craig and I dressed up as Bingo Benny and his
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The gracious hosts- Batman & Robin |
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Brook & Ryan |
Is that not the creepiest mask?! We've had a blast with that thing! For example, I can recall several occassions where we've put the mask on when driving around, running errands and stuff just to get a good laugh from all the "WTH'ers" and "WTF'ers" passing by...still laughing. Ashamed to say, I've actually scared the girls a couple of good times as well-terrible, I know, but I just couldnt resist! It was so bad that the first few days the mask was actually in the house the girls would not walk into a room without asking if the "old man mask" was in there first.
The only downer to that weekend was SissyRoo getting "sickie poo's"! A trip to the pediatrician and some chest x-rays later we discovered she had a double ear infection and croup, thankfully it wasn't pneumonia as suspected. We spent the next week getting her on the mends, taking a break from the gym and getting some much needed chores done around the house.
This past weekend was a lot of fun! We made our annual family trip to Berry Patch Farms in Woodstock. We have been taking the girls here since before they could walk. We love this place -its so family oriented with lots of stuff for the kiddos to do. Their prices are a little hefty on the pumpkins, but for all the fun and extras you get, its worth it.
Here are some vintage pictures of the family at Berry Patch dating back to 2008, crazy to see how much they change year over year.
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2009 |
Sunday I took some alone time and went clothes shopping for the girls. It was so nice to be out and actually spend as much time needed in as many stores needed without rushing in and out while having two little one's begging for everything in sight. After that my Mom came to pick me up and we headed to Folklore Haunted House.A co-worker of hers is actually one of the owners of this haunted house and had invited the company to pay a visit. It had been years since I had been to a haunted house so I found myself getting a little anxiety waiting in line to go in-that accompanied w/ the creepy old man who would not stop staring me in the face, def didn't help matters. I let Mom go first and lead the line-I'm pretty sure she screamed at every corner we turned. I was too busy laughing at her to really be scared, her screams let you know there was obviously something pretty intense happening up ahead :) Thanks for the date Mom, I had a great time!
We've had a busy week this week so I have several blog post planned for the next few days. I figured putting myself on a schedule and pre-planning my blog posts would help me get them done in a more timely matter.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Paisley's First Field Trip...
Wednesday I accompanied Paisley and all of her classmates on their first field trip to the Sweetwater Pumpkin Patch. I must say, I was really impressed with how organized and entertaining this field trip was, especially since their little customers happened to be 3yr olds. Paisley was soooo excited that morning! She's usually the difficult one to get out of bed, but not that morning, she was ready to go. Presleigh on the other hand was not happy at all. The fact that Mommy was getting to go on a fun little trip with sister and she was having to go to school instead, did not sit well. The car ride to school consisted of Presleigh saying " Mommy, I don't want you to go with sissy to the pumpkin patch" a good 10x. I tried to explain to her that in a couple of weeks, I'd be taking her on her first field trip as well, but that didn't stop her from throwing a full blown tantrum in the middle of the carpool line.Squalling as I pulled her out of the car, fighting me as I walked her to the door, and absolutely refusing to walk inside. The PreK Director had to take Presleigh from my arms and carry her up the stairs. It. was. awful. I felt terrible, but had to put it aside so I could be happy and excited for Paisley.
When we arrived at the pumpkin patch the kids lined up as we started our first activity for the day. Mrs Sheryl would be leading this part of the tour called the " I Spy Nature Walk " As we walked through the woods on a little trail, Mrs Sheryl gave the little one's clues about the little animals they were supposed to find hiding around us. There were squirrels, skunks, deer, and even alligators. As we neared toward Sweetwater Creek there was a big teepee ahead where Chief Pumpkin was waiting for us. He told a quick little story to the kids and then handed out arrowheads to each of them. It was one of my favorite parts :)
Our second activity was to build a scarecrow. All of the children voted on whether they'd build a girl or a boy scarecrow and girl it was, they named her Fall. Paisley was not having any part of this. I don't know if she just wasn't interested or if she was a little scared, but she wanted nothing to do with it. She wouldn't help stuff, dress, or have her picture made with Fall, so no pics to share on this one :(
Next we were on to gold mining. The water was flowing through the trough and the pans were filled and ready to be sifted through. We grabbed a spot and began to mine our gems and gold. They had all kinds of little gems in the dirt for the kids to find. Paisley loved this part and would not leave one gem behind. Im pretty sure we left with at least 30 gems. They provided us a cute little bag and a card we could use to determine what gems we found. I have to admit, there were a few times when I thought to myself " what if we really did find gold" " how cool would that be "
Lastly we were off to our hay ride, the part all the kids had been looking forward too. The tractor took us over to the pumpkin patch where the kiddos could pick 1 pumpkin of their choice. I found it neat that they actually had a pumpkin patch where the pumpkins were still attached to the vine. After they picked their pumpkins we walked over to feed the goats, chickens, pigs and rabbits. There was one rooster who was out of the pin, I'm assuming because he's considered friendly, but quite frankly, he made me a little nervous. I swear he was as large as a few of the kids and being that my brother Jonathan was attacked by a rooster around this age didn't help matters. I thought for sure he was going to peck someones eyes out, if he was hit in the face with a fist full of food one more time. The kids would run after him hollering " here chicken, chicken" and then chunk the corn at him as hard as they could. I laugh now as I type this, but it was no laughing matter at the time :)
The day ended with a picnic under the pavilion and some free play on the playground. Over all it was a great day and Paisley and I both had a great time. When we got home, Presleigh had arrived from school and was much more calm. I had the rest of the day off from work so we decided to bake some Halloween cupcakes and go out for Japanese! YUMMY!
When we arrived at the pumpkin patch the kids lined up as we started our first activity for the day. Mrs Sheryl would be leading this part of the tour called the " I Spy Nature Walk " As we walked through the woods on a little trail, Mrs Sheryl gave the little one's clues about the little animals they were supposed to find hiding around us. There were squirrels, skunks, deer, and even alligators. As we neared toward Sweetwater Creek there was a big teepee ahead where Chief Pumpkin was waiting for us. He told a quick little story to the kids and then handed out arrowheads to each of them. It was one of my favorite parts :)
Our second activity was to build a scarecrow. All of the children voted on whether they'd build a girl or a boy scarecrow and girl it was, they named her Fall. Paisley was not having any part of this. I don't know if she just wasn't interested or if she was a little scared, but she wanted nothing to do with it. She wouldn't help stuff, dress, or have her picture made with Fall, so no pics to share on this one :(
Next we were on to gold mining. The water was flowing through the trough and the pans were filled and ready to be sifted through. We grabbed a spot and began to mine our gems and gold. They had all kinds of little gems in the dirt for the kids to find. Paisley loved this part and would not leave one gem behind. Im pretty sure we left with at least 30 gems. They provided us a cute little bag and a card we could use to determine what gems we found. I have to admit, there were a few times when I thought to myself " what if we really did find gold" " how cool would that be "
Lastly we were off to our hay ride, the part all the kids had been looking forward too. The tractor took us over to the pumpkin patch where the kiddos could pick 1 pumpkin of their choice. I found it neat that they actually had a pumpkin patch where the pumpkins were still attached to the vine. After they picked their pumpkins we walked over to feed the goats, chickens, pigs and rabbits. There was one rooster who was out of the pin, I'm assuming because he's considered friendly, but quite frankly, he made me a little nervous. I swear he was as large as a few of the kids and being that my brother Jonathan was attacked by a rooster around this age didn't help matters. I thought for sure he was going to peck someones eyes out, if he was hit in the face with a fist full of food one more time. The kids would run after him hollering " here chicken, chicken" and then chunk the corn at him as hard as they could. I laugh now as I type this, but it was no laughing matter at the time :)
The day ended with a picnic under the pavilion and some free play on the playground. Over all it was a great day and Paisley and I both had a great time. When we got home, Presleigh had arrived from school and was much more calm. I had the rest of the day off from work so we decided to bake some Halloween cupcakes and go out for Japanese! YUMMY!
Friday, October 14, 2011
In the Sun and On the Run...
At the end of September we decided to take a quick last minute trip to Panama City Beach before summer was officially gone. The P's got to spend some quality time with Papa and have lots of fun in the sun. We went fishing off the bridge, rode go carts at Race City, and even caught 6 hermit crabs on the beach one day! Here's a few pics from the trip.
As soon as we got back from the beach it was time for me to get serious about the Make a Wish 5k that was fastly approaching. I started having doubts about my decision to run and my anxiety level was through the roof, but I committed and I was going to do it. I was doing all the things they tell you to do: carb up, get lots of sleep, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. When the morning of the race arrived, I popped right out of bed at 5am and was ready to go. I met up with Jennie and Stacy at 630am at the Marietta Square, where we then had a good 1 1/2 hrs to register, stretch, stretch some more, question our decision again, stretch some more, until the shot fired and it was finally race time! The run was great, but tough. The hills were much more intense than I had expected, but I still powered through it. I can remember hitting the 2nd mile marker and thinking it would never be over. Then, in the distance, I spot the church steeple and know the end is near. As I spot the FINISH LINE ahead a rush of excitement comes over me and Jennie and I start to sprint for the finish. I crossed the finish line at 29:56.77 minutes and ranked 6th in my age group ( 30 -39 ) out of 38! Not bad If I do say so myself! It was a great experience with a couple of great girls and it was totally worth all the hard work and worry! We had so much fun, I think we're doing it again 11/5 -Run for the River 5k Here's to new hobbies!
Oh and quick shout out to Craig, who was there to support me, greet me, and take pictures at the finish line. He also managed to give me a few "Congrats on your first 5k goodies" <3 Thanks honey!
We managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the North Georgia State Fair. We take the girls every year and they love it. This year was no different, except for the fact it was FREEZING! I didn't take a lot of pics, as my hands were frozen, but I did get a video of them on the Caterpillar RollerCoaster. Presleigh was a little unsure about it, the cautious worrier, Paisley on the other hand couldn't wait and was throwing her hands in the air over the little hills.
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