It started with our trip to Sleepy Hollow Tree Farm, where we intended to cut down our own tree. As a kid, my Mom would take us here and it was always alot of fun and left me with great memories. Not so much this time. As we are driving through the farm, we find a field of tree's that seem to look like what we wanted. We park the car and set out with our saw to find the perfect tree. Every time we'd say " Hey, what about this one, it looks nice" Presleigh would say sternly, "No, its too big, I do not want that tree." After about 5 attempts and a few tears later, we decided to let her pick out the tree. So, off she goes and just a minute later, she's found it, our tree......or more like our sapling. This puny thing put the Charlie Brown tree to shame. Because I didn't understand her fear of all the normal, full grown tree's, I decided to ask her what it was that made her so afraid. She stated that she was afraid it would fall and if it fell, we would have to get a new house. I get it, I guess. Passing up on the sapling, we discovered that they sold Frasier Fers from NC so in all, our trip to the farm to cut down a tree, ended with us buying one netted and ready to go instead.
Cutting down your own tree to drum up the Christmas spirit= FAIL
The following weekend was our trip to see Santa Claus. I book this appointment 3 months in advance every year. Not only is he a phenomenal Santa, but I love that you can get a dvd recording of the visit each year.I thought this would be THE YEAR. The year that the P's would pee themselves with excitement as soon as they saw him. I talked it up for weeks, Oh, Santa he's great, He brings you sooooo many toys, He's really nice and by God if you don't sit in his lap with a smile on your face this year and tell his
Trip to see Jolly Ol' Saint Nick and share our Christmas wishes=FAIL
Keeping with the traditions, each year after our torturous visit with Santa, we go to Macy's to ride The Pink Pig. The girls LOVE the actual riding of the Pink Pig, however, they despise Priscilla, the actual Pink Pig. As you made your way through the line, you reached an area where you could have your photo taken with Priscilla. She's a doll, decked out in her poodle skirt and saddle shoes. As cute and sweet looking as she could be. As it was our turn to have the picture taken, we walk up and the picture takers try to get the girls to sit in Priscilla's lap- not having it. Instead, they hide behind me. I pick Paisley up and sit her on my hip closest to the pig and she loses it, full blown hysterics. Switch her over to the other hip and she's fine. Presleigh meanwhile, is latched onto my leg with a kung fu grip and ol' Craig- he's just standing there, smiling and gritting his teeth through the whole experience. I did buy that picture, see it below- Notice Paisley's fake and fearful smile.
Experiencing a family tradition in the city of Atlanta since the 1970's= FAIL
It was a rough start to December with all the Christmas fun and to keep my kids from sounding completely abnormal, there were some things they enjoyed. For instance, the Christmas parade, all 2 hours of it, they loved that. Or decorating the Christmas tree, they were really involved this year and still are. That tree has been decorated, un-decorated, and re-decorated for weeks now. And lastly, watching all the Christmas movies on tv. Which I'm counting my lucky stars for- finally a break from Harry Potter, however, I may have bigger issues because Paisley now says her boyfriend is Woodstock-a bird, you know, from Charlie Brown. Yea, ISSUES. Athough we hit some rough patches this month, I really do love sharing the holidays with the girls. Whether it be through tears or laughter, they really do make the holidays so much more fun and I'll let you in on a little secret, I fear they day they actually stop believing in the guy who scares the crap out of them. So I'll continue to take a seat on his lap each year, if need be.
Finding the true joy's of Christmas=SCORE!
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