** friendly advisory, this is an extra long post, not to be confused with a novel and will require a fair amount of your time to read. blog neglect is a result of laziness and procrastination and can only be cured with more time in a day, but is intended to get better in the coming year, promises.
We spend nearly 6 weeks preparing for Christmas, at least I do anyway. All to have it here and gone in the blink of an eye. 8 days past Christmas and Day 1 of the new year and my decor is still up, the tree hanging on for dear life and yet, I still don't want to get rid of it all. Partly due to my dreading the hours it will take, but mostly because I love Christmas and all that comes with it-I'm just not ready for it to be over yet. Christmas was wonderful this year, why on Earth would I want to see it go?! As the P's get older, they are more into it and make it fun for us all. Watching Christmas movies and Christmas classics on tv day after day, reading all the Christmas stories each night at bedtime, listening to the girls running through the house first thing in the morning on the hunt for Freddie, our Elf on the Shelf, the daily "sleeps"count down till Christmas, Craig's constant whistling of jingle bells, and not feeling guilty for indulging in baked cookies 2-3 times a week -all the little things that make the holidays so special to me. And just like that, its gone. No more music, the lights disappear, and Freddie is packed up and hidden on a shelf for real, until next year. Yep, Christmas is now in the past, kinda crazy how fast it goes.
To recap, I have been out of work since December 19th, that's 14 days for those bad at math. I get back to the grind on Tuesday and I'm not looking forward to that either. I wanted to spend as much time as possible hanging with the P's and take them on fun little Christmas adventures during my time off. I also wanted to experience Christmas without all of the hustle and bustle and rushing here and there, and let me tell ya, how nice it was! I will make this a regular vacation from here on out.
Lots of mornings spent snuggling on the couch and watching cartoons during my time off! Even Cayenne enjoyed the extra snuggle time!

School Christmas parties- There's always a party for something at school these days, or so it seems. This was fun and meaningful though, so its all good. Paisley's little class put on a small play. Set in the manger, Paisley was to be the night wind, however, that night the wind would not blow, because Paisley refused to do so. Instead, that wind, it howled and cried until I held her throughout the remaining performance. I told Mrs. Terri I would not come to anymore performances to avoid the disruption, but she assured me that Paisley would participate when she was ready and it was okay to keep coming. Presleigh's class performed carols to the parents. Its started out strong with the shaking of jingle bells. Presleigh stood up there, shaking those bells violently,but with her head down the whole time. I could barely see her lips move from behind her hair. She stuck it out through 3 more songs, lifted her head a little and barely moved her lips, but hey, it was something and I was a proud Momma!

Hope for Christmas- I had the opportunity to volunteer at Hope for Christmas with West Ridge this year. I worked in the Santa's Workshop and it was so much fun, like I seriously did not want to leave. I assisted children of all ages in picking out Christmas gifts for their Mom's and Dad's or maybe Grandparents, or whomever maybe caring for them. They were so cute picking out their little gifts and more excited about providing a gift for their parents than even receiving one for themselves. I never heard or had 1 child who cried or whined for one thing in the store for themselves! Shocking considering my kids and their meltdowns in every aisle. Hope for Christmas served over 2300 families in Northwest Atlanta this year, providing a Christmas meal for each of them and handing out over 6300 toys for the children of those families. It was a phenomenal experience and has made me realize how more of my time I need to give to charities and non profit agencies. Look for more on that in 2012! Oh, and THANK YOU to those of you who provided your recommendations of me and made it a possibility. you lied through your teeth for a good purpose :))
We took the P's to see their first movie on the big screen, Chipwrecked! They loved it and were well behaved the entire time. Little Pais even gave a round of applause when it was over and I teared up a bit. We gave them the full experience with sprites, popcorn, candy, chocolate, etc whatever they wanted to keep the quiet and it worked! Of course Craig was not exactly happy about this as I was prying the wallet from his fingers. Talk about getting your underwear in wad, if you wanna get Craig all worked up talk to him about the price of snacks at the movie theatre. He's the first to make sure I bring my big purse so that it will hold all the zip lock bags of snacks and his own drinks. Usually I'll break the rules and go along with him, but this time I didn't want the cheapskate in us both to win.
One day we went out to get Christmas pedicures, Craig took a backseat on this one- we left there with red and green toes and jolly little designs, even I got a design on my toes and never do that. It was a lot of fun for them and it worked out perfectly because they were able to show them off with the above average temps that week.
On Friday, my Mom, Josh, and I went to see an Invasion of a Christmas Carol at Dad's Garage. A spin on the classic, including improv and a special invader character=hilarious! The actors are great. I laughed from beginning to end. Our invasion character was The Randiest Milkman of London. The actors do not know who the invader will be until he randomly shows up during one of the skits, then the fun begins. If you haven't checked out Dad's Garage your missing out. So much fun and reasonably priced. Can't wait to do that again next year!
We spent the last couple of days leading up to Christmas with lots of family. Making the trek to Thomaston, GA to visit with Craig's side of the family, PawPaw stayed with us through the holidays which was an extra treat and then spending Christmas Eve night at my parent's for our annual Low Country Boil. Before we knew it, it was 1030 and time to get the kids ready for bed in preparation for Santa Claus! We put out cookies for Santa, carrots and water for the reindeer, and read The Night Before Christmas. After they were tucked in the real fun began for Craig and I as we hauled toys, one by one, down from the attic. Before the real Claus' turned in for the night we decided Freddie would play his last little trick on the girls. We lined their door from top to bottom with green streamer so that when they awoke Christmas morning they'd have to bust through to get out. Great, awesome plan in theory, until Paisley woke up crying in the middle of the night scared to death by what she saw and unable to get out of her room. FAIL.

Christmas morning arrived and the kids didn't wake until 9am! That's what I'm talking about! They ran straight to our bedroom and were ready to go. They received all sorts of good toys this year fro
m Santa and family. I tried to upload our videos, but You Tube wouldn't cooperate! In the midst of a wrapping paper storm, they were laughing and shouting with excitement. They received Lalaloopsy's, Squinkies, Leapfrong Learning Systems, 1500 piece art sets, games, remote control cars, purses, dress up boxes full of shoes, gowns, jewelry, and the list goes on and on. I'd have to say that their Harry Potter movies created more excitement then anything else-should've known! Santa could have saved a lot of money!
That afternoon more family arrived for more eating and opening of gifts, 13 total and it was great! I love having a houseful of people, especially on the holidays. Christmas was good to us all this year. The girls are beyond spoiled and are not allowed to receive any more toys until next Christmas. For those of you that are family, this is your warning, NO MORE TOYS.....or else! If you want to be generous, think college fund / wedding fund/ sweet 16, I need a brand new car like Sally at school fund. We'll need all the help we can get in those areas. And my blogs will no longer be photoless and lame, because Craig spoiled me as well with a new camera WOO HOO! I so needed it. Taking pics with your cell phone for a straight 2 yrs and relying on fam or friends to hook you up with pictures is the worst. Neva again...... that's once I learn to use the damn thing. I think he kinda knew I'd be expecting the camera so he decided to throw me a curve ball and upgrade me with some brand new diamond earrings! They are beauties. My original pair of diamond earrings he gave me were a Christmas gift almost 9 years ago and were the first piece of jewelry he ever bought me. I wore them religiously from that day forward and unfortunately this year, lost one on our beach trip. I was literally sick over it, even cried. Nothing can replace the sentimental value of those earrings, but these sure do make it a little easier. Thank you, honey, for making this Christmas extra special for your girls. Guess I really have no room to talk when it comes to that ridiculously expensive remote control car you bought, consider my lips sealed
I hope all of you made lots of memories over the holidays and relished in the time spent with your families! Here's to all things great in 2012!