Sunday, January 8, 2012

Camera Shy, I Think Not....

My kids have a love hate relationship with the camera. It's really hit or miss with them. Sometimes, if its just me behind the lens, they'll be cute and funny, making faces and even smiling. When someone else is behind the camera and there's others around, you can forget it. The only thing you'll get from them is a few tears.  However, they themselves love to take pictures....lots and lots of pictures. They have become little professionals at taking pictures with our phones, maybe too professional.

Because the P's take so many photo's with the phones, Craig and I find ourselves deleting and cleaning up often. One day, as I'm in the kitchen, probably baking a delicious pie or something, Craig approaches me with his phone and is like " hey, what is this?" I take a look and for a minute, can't quite figure out what it is. Then it hits me and its all I can do to keep from peeing myself with laughter. And then this conversation occurs:

Me:     Well, it looks like a butt
Craig:  Well, is it your butt?
Me:     WHAT! NO!
Craig:  Well, I see long hair...
Me:     Okay, as if I'd take a picture of my butt, on your phone!! That would be Paisley- her hair, her butt
Craig:  What the f*ck....
Me:      <<dying laughing unable to speak>>
Craig    Seriously, where did they learn that from?
Me      <<doing the pee pee dance>> I don't know, but don't look at me like I taught them
Craig    Brittany, this is serious-stop laughing
Me       Craig, they're kids, not porn stars in the making
Craig    What if someone else would have gotten a hold of my phone...this could be child porn!!
Me      <<now I'm snorting I'm laughing so hard>>

 I guess it could have ended badly with Craig ending up on  To Catch a Predator or even worse, prison, butt (LOL) nonetheless, I knew we needed to nip that in the bud real quick, to make sure it didnt happen again. We ask the P's why they took a picture of their butts with the camera and all we can get out of them is uncontrollable laughter. I mean, what did we expect-a drawn out explanation of why they got freaky w/ the camera? Needless to say, Presleigh received her own camera for Christmas, one that's being carefully monitored by the butt police aka Daddy.