Every Thursday Paisley has ballet and tap class at Dallas Dance. This Thursday was her 4th class. Today, I would be watching her intently to see if this was really worth my money. Every week she looks forward to class, however, once she's in there you'd never know it. She participates for 5 minutes and then she's rolling in the floor. Tapping for few minutes then spinning around. Just not really focused on what the teacher is doing and more so concerned with what she wants to do. I'd say she has a little bit of my stubbornness and Craig's ADD. Presleigh goes with me each week to watch her sister in class and keeps me updated with a play by play of Paisley's actions. Today Presleigh ran over to little bench that sits under the window, climbed up and watched her sisters every move. The play by play today was different than most days-Paisley was actually participating consistently and we were both shocked. We found ourselves laughing out loud and giggling together and I at one point I found myself getting emotional, teary eyed, and on the verge of crying. I don't know if it was because my baby girl could finally "make a pizza slice" with her baby feet or if it was that darn instrumental version Beauty and The Beast that got me all choked up. Whatever the case, I was definitely one proud Momma- maybe too proud :) Check out a couple pics below. Little dark due to the tinted glass that keeps her from knowing we're watching.

Making a "pizza slice" with her feet
Usually after we leave dance we run by the house, drop off Paisley and either Craig or myself will take Presleigh to gymnastics. However on our way home today we got stuck in some traffic in downtown Dallas-really? Traffic in Dallas? Come to find out today was the Homecoming Parade and everyone was starting to line the city streets and the roads were closing down. Presleigh LOVES a parade-not so sure if its the actual parade or all the candy they rack up on when one rolls through. So naturally today Presleigh decided that gymnastics was gonna take a back seat to the parade. I have to admit, I enjoy the parades too. I use to come to these same parades when I was in high school-so a little nostalgic I guess. We walked down to Mimi's house, popped some popcorn, and grabbed us a front row seat on a blanket in the front yard.
There's those eyes again!
This cracked me up- You can also find me doing this to Daddy on a regular basis. In all fairness to Craig, it was just the marching band that rattled their ears a bit.
That day was one in a million! Everything fell into place perfectly...I'm teary eyed now!
ReplyDeleteWoo Hoo...so glad you're blogging! I absolutely LOVE seeing pictures of the kiddos. They are too cute!